C & S Gives Back


Over our 30+ years serving Nashville through real estate, we have met some amazing people doing incredible things for our community, and have been honored to come alongside them. We’re excited to share them with you!

One of our core values is to give back to our incredible community.


GraceWorks Ministries

GraceWorks Ministries

GraceWorks Ministries was established 1995 by a group of concerned Williamson County citizens and faith leaders who sought a comprehensive, collaborative solution to the complex issue of poverty. Our founders recognized that local low-income residents had diverse needs – food, clothing, housing support, and financial assistance – yet, most area nonprofits and churches focused on only one or two services. By pooling church resources with private and public sectors, GraceWorks has been able to offer wraparound services to a large number of individuals and families in need, closing our more recent fiscal year having served 13,517 unduplicated Neighbors.

Home Street Home Ministries

Home Street Home Ministries

This incredible organization was founded by our friend Steven, who himself encountered homelessness and now serves that community incredibly well. Home Street Home‘s mission is to identify, marshal, and leverage every resource available to meet the basic needs of those trapped and marginalized within the homeless condition. They also play a pivotal role in eliminating the scourge of homelessness in as many lives as possible, & to help them achieve their desire to rise above their present situation. They additionally inspire others to reassess their perceptions and beliefs concerning the homeless condition and those affected by it.   

Hope House International

HopeHouse International®

For over 20 years, HopeHouse International® has helped Orphans become adopted by helping Christian families in Eastern Europe with adequate housing, thus making them eligible by their Government to adopt three or more orphans and raising them in their own country. Hope House also partners with these orphans for trauma healing, educational opportunities, and ultimately strive to create eternal generational impact for those they serve. 

Our 2nd annual Stories & Songs


2023 marked our first annual Stories & Songs event, benefiting Home Street Home Ministries! Being in Nashville, we called upon some of our talented songwriter friends to provide entertainment as we collectively gathered for a night of music, food, and drinks to raise money for our homeless community. Together, we raised over $38,000! We are so excited to be hosting this event again on August 14th. Click below for our event page to learn more about the songwriters and how to purchase tickets.


We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. - Winston Churchill